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Fresh Dog Food

Stella & Chewy's Fresh Dog Food—gently cooked in small batches and frozen to perfection. Experience the convenience of home-cooked meals without the hassle. Our Gently Cooked Frozen recipes are easy to thaw and serve straight from the freezer, offering complete and balanced nutrition for your furry friend.

Crafted with responsibly sourced proteins and enriched with nutrient-rich bone broth for great taste, our meals are packed with antioxidants and superfoods like zucchini, pumpkin, red pepper, squash, and kale.

Made in the USA, our Fresh Dog Food is grain-free, gluten-free, pea-free, lentil-free, and potato-free, ensuring the highest quality for your pet.

We pride ourselves on using only the world’s finest and safest ingredients, with no by-product meals, artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, corn, wheat, soy, or grains. Our gently cooked, frozen dog food delivers the benefits of home cooking in every bite.
Fresh Dog Food

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